The Together Revolution
We have created a platform + environment for the largest collaboration of retailers, brands, consumers + youth causes to harness collective buying power as a force for good to innovate philanthropy + drive a transformational systems change with a new shared economy model. By redirecting capital from the global T.Shirt market worth $200bn annually we can supercharge local giving, on a global scale, create shared value for retailers, causes + consumers + break billions of barriers for the next generation.
We are inviting you to collaborate, innovate + transform the youth mental health landscape with us by making a pledge to become a supporting sponsor of our evolution of giving manifesto + join us in helping the next generation unlock their full potential + live without limit. If you can't do that, then pick your favourite T.Shirt + make a purchase from our founding collection to help change the way the world gives, together!
Can the power of the humble T.Shirt change the way the world gives? Yes it can!